P.N. Arguelles St. Panabo City Davao del Norte, Philippines (084) 628-6437 directorsofficepanabo@umindanao.edu.ph

Curricular Guidelines

1. General Guidelines

1.1 A 7.1 and 7.2 shall be given to a student due to the following reasons:

a. 7.1 for non-presentation of valid Final Examination Permit

b. 7.2 for lack of course requirements provided that the student has a chance to pass (at least 75 total grade upon submission of requirements) based on class record's partial grade.

c. 7.2 for lack of final examination provided that the student has a chance to pass (at least 75 total grade upon taking the final examination and recomputation) based on the partial grade in the class record.

d. 7.2 for lacking in some major examinations or missed activities other than the final exam and/or final requirements stated in 1.1b-1.1c for the students under the Exchange Program. This provision is only applicable to courses which are taken within the duration of the program.

1.2 For "No Final Exam Permit" (NFEP)

1.2.1 The faculty shall allow the student to take the final exam even without the Final Exam Permit. The final grade of the student shall be computed but a 7.1 grade shall be posted on the GRADE section and the corresponding passing grade obtained by the student on the REMARKS section of the grading sheet that will be submitted to the Records and Admission Center.

1.2.2 The completion of 7.1 rating shall be done within the immediate succeeding semester. Upon payment of the outstanding account, either in full or partial, the corresponding grade shall be automatically posted by the system. Failure to pay within the prescribed period, the grade shall remain at 7.1 but considered as No Grade.

1.2.3 If the student failed to enroll in the succeeding semester, he/she will be given a chance to settle the outstanding account upon re-admission but should not be beyond the semester he/she was re-admitted.

1.3 For Lack of Requirements

1.3.1 A rating of 7.2 shall be reflected in the grading sheet if the student failed to submit the course requirement in a given schedule.

1.3.2 The completion of 7.2 rating shall be done within the following period:

Period For Regular Subjects For Special Subjects
1st Semester (Aug.-Dec.) end of May end of December of the following year
2nd Semester (Jan.-May) end of October end of May of the following year
Summer (June-July) end of December end of July of the following year

1.3.3 Failure to comply within the completion period, the rating shall remain as 7.2 but considered as No Grade. The said course should then be re-enrolled

1.4 A period of one (1) year shall be given to the following courses if a student fails to comply in one or more of the grading components reflected in the classrecord:

a. Professional School courses

b. Architectural and Engineering Design courses

c. Research Proper/Thesis/ Capstone courses

d. Practicum/OJT/RLE courses

Failure to comply after one (1) year, the 7.2 shall remain but considered as No Grade, hence, the course should be re-enrolled.